358 Garswood Road, Garswood, Ashton-in-Makerfield
01942 272061

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    The Addtime Brand

    The Addtime brand has existed since 1982 because it represents a family business who prides itself on working with customers to provide excellence in support and service. From traditional clock card machines, security patrol systems and the consumables sold with them to the latest in biometric time and attendance / workforce management software we help clients choose the right solution for them and their budget.

    In terms of software it is all about understanding a client’s requirements fully then partnering with them to deliver the right solution and helping them get more from their software over time. We do this with a mix of support services and training to help them Save, Streamline and Simplify their processes. We want customers to feel 100% confident they are choosing the right solution when working with us and 120% happy with the results and of the service and support they receive at all times from our software technicians and engineers in terms of prompt response and swift resolutions.


    Our Mission

    Why We Exist? – “We help HR & Finance Directors reduce operational costs & increase productivity by keeping them ‘Financially Lean & Workplace Clean’ with an ROI in just 90 days.”

    Our Vision

    Where are we going? – “To be the number 1 choice for biometric workforce management solutions in the UK”

    TransparencyWe operate with true openness & transparency, encouraging open communication and dialogue.
    CommitedWe have a strong commitment & passion to getting the job done and being the best at everything we do.
    TrustedAs guardians of time and attendance since 1982 we are trusted to give the best advice and support.
    Customer FocusedThe customer is our number 1 priority and everything starts and ends with them.
    ServiceWe put the current and future needs of customers at the heart of everything we do.
    TeamworkWe support and value our customers and our colleagues, enjoying the work we do in an open and honest way.
    ExcellenceWe strive for operational excellence and to get job’s right 1st time.

    Transp a rency
    Commite d
    Truste d
    Cus t omer focussed
    Serv i ce
    Tea m work
    Excell e nce
    clearway drainage systems